"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Miss President

Bronwyn is in her senior year of High School. Her school is called Colegio Americano. It's the same school that Ansley and Garrett go to as well. It has grades from pre-school through high school. Bronwyn will graduate in December. She's pretty low key with stuff in her life. She makes really good grades but she never talks about it. Like all of our kids she has lots of gifts and talents, but if you asked her what they are she might not even answer. She is not a "toot her own horn" kind of a person. She is confident in who she is in Christ and that is good enough for her. That is why it didn't surprise me much when someone else had to tell me that she was elected student council president for all the students in the entire school (over 1000 students). She didn't even bring it up with me. It also doesn't surprise me that when I was at their school last week a friend of ours, who works at the school, came up to me and congratulated me on Bronwyn's day. Since Bronwyn does such a good job of keeping us up to date I got to say, "Thank you........for what?"

He then started telling me that Bronwyn had given a speech that day after she received the official transfer of power in her presidency. Pretty cool stuff. Since she would never tell you anything about this we decided to toot her horn for her.

Her school's website (it won't mean much to you but you can see it here) had an article about her day last week and here's what it said:

A presidente da atual gestão, Bronwyn Blume, demonstrou otimismo no discurso de posse. “Esperamos que este seja um ano bem produtivo e que nossa equipe consiga superar todas as expectativas”, comentou a estudante do 3º ano. Para 2008, Bronwyn destaca como principais projetos os eventos musicais Bio in Concert e Brasil em Cena, além de gincanas e atividades de voluntariado.

Okay, we'll translate:

This year's president, Bronwyn Blume, demonstrated optimism in her speech to the group. "We hope that that this year will be really productive and that our group will be able to do exceed all expectations," said the senior student. For 2008, Bronwyn highlighted as prinicipal projects the musical events Bio in Concert and Brasil em Cena, as well as carnivals and volunteer activities.

This is Bronwyn with Jussara (the director of the entire school....she's in the middle) and Angela (who is the prinicipal of the High School) as they commemorate the "transfer of power" (sounds cool) for the new president.


Susan Doss said...

Congratulations President Bronwyn!! I am so proud of you!!!!
Susan Doss

the Jewell family said...

What do I do to get my kids to turn out like yours?