"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More Andersonisms

We realize that most of you might be sick of Andersonisms.  That's okay.

We also realize that you actually have to know him to really appreciate the stuff he says.  That's okay too.

For those that really know our son you know how funny it sounds when he says the stuff he says.

So today we share for grandparents, Aggies and the Terrys and for the rest of you that don't know him but have come to appreciate Andersonisms.

Anderson gets out of school 40 minutes before his brothers and sisters.  This is definitely not ideal for our family.  We either have to take him home after school and then turn around and go right back to where we were to pick up his brother and sister before we go pick up Ansley at her school or we pick him up and wait until everyone else gets out.

Last week, while Benay was in São Paulo, I picked up Anderson and he, Giovanni and I sat in the car waiting to pick up the rest of the group.

He entered the car and we immediately had this interesting exchange:

Anderson:  "Can you get arrested here for saying Kabloosh?"
Me:  "No."
Anderson:  "What about in China, Africa or Minot (as in North Dakota)?"
Me:  "No."
Anderson:  "Okay."

Just so you'll know......Anderson is not a geography pro.  The only reason he had even heard of Minot is because Giovanni is really into Veggie Tale movies right now and Anderson watches them with him.  On one of our DVD's they mention Minot a few times and it stuck with Anderson.

We thought is was pretty good that Minot, North Dakota got thrown in with Brasil, China and Africa in regards to his very serious "kabloosh" question.

Now that I think of it.  This post should really be for Benay's sister and brother-in-law who actually used to live in Minot.

Anderson is pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Andersonisms! Keep 'em coming. No thanks for the rat post. gross. disgusting. ew. nasty. i may stop reading your blog b/c of it. :)

--jenny (you know, the one from TX that used to live in Memphis...)

Sascha Terry said...

Good stuff. Keep it comin!

Michael Green said...

Im glad you love us enough to keep em coming! Give everyone hugs!