"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blogging Again......Kind of

If you haven't noticed, I've been in kind of a blog rut lately.

As always there is plenty of stuff in our house, our city and our house church family to write about but, to be honest, I just haven't wanted to blog.  No motivation to actually sit down and share.  I'm kind of burned out.

However, I have a daughter in the states and a wife who are telling me it's time to start blogging again. I also appreciate the friends who have shared that they miss our blogs and those that have sent us notes asking where we are or if something has happened since we haven't blogged much. The encouragement has helped to kind of kick start me back into the blogging world.

I don't know if I'll blog as much as I have in the past. In a couple of weeks the ideas may just come flying like they did before, maybe not. Who knows? I honestly don't know how many of you care. It's okay if you don't. I'm not sharing for any other reason than to explain the sporadic blogging lately.

The good thing about being in a rut like this is you can mooch off of lots of other sites.

I'd like to start the mooching today.

My girlfriend did a blog today that you need to read.

If you've ever wondered what we do here in Porto Alegre or why we do it then you need to click here and read her post. You will be blessed.


Tim Logan said...

Marla and I read or check your blog weekly. It is encouraging and uplifting to us to keep up with you guys. We have so much love and respect for you guys. You'll are in our prayers. Marla and I will be traveling with the Madison Academy group to Ecuador this year to our Hacienda of Hope. Please keep our group in your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Blume family,
I read your blog almost every day during my lunch break. i love keeping up with your family and hearing about what you guys have been up to. Thanks for keeping it up!
jenny rich