"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Intentional Living

This morning my Bible reading was from 1 Peter.

Here is a verse that jumped out at me: "Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay." 1 Peter 4:9

It immediately made me think of my best friend from high school. His name is Tim and he and his wife Michelle do amazing kingdom work for the Lord. They live so intentionally for the kingdom. It always encourages me.

We get their ministry update emails and we got one from Tim this week. He shared about how God is moving, growing and changing their ministry and then he shared this in the last paragraph of the email:

"Meanwhile, back home, Michelle is moving in a young couple who moved from California about a month ago.  They were homeless, 9 months pregnant, caring for their one year old, and using all their money on an old hotel.  We are taking them in until she recovers from the baby’s arrival by scheduled c-section. Another ministry in town has a transitional mobile home that will be available in October."

This is how they live their lives and it reminded me of the verse above. I know this couple and I know how they live. They would be the first to tell you they aren't perfect. They would probably be embarrassed if they knew I was writing this about them right now. And I love that about them. They are humble kingdom workers who, in the power of Jesus' name, are attacking and destroying enemy strongholds. 

And right now they are cheerfully sharing their home and their lives with someone who needed a meal and a place to stay at exactly the time they needed it. 

Intentional kingdom living. 

Their actions reminded me of another verse about the importance of being a blessing to strangers.  Hebrews 13:1 says, "Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!"

Whether we are entertaining angels or humans is not even the question. Being Jesus to those in need, whoever they are and wherever they come from, is the reason we do it and it's why we do it cheerfully.  It doesn't matter how much or how little we have because we are to share those things and show hospitality to those who have need. And if in the process of being hospitable to everyone we get to host angels in our homes how cool is that? 

My prayer is that we follow the lead of my friends this day and every day. 

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