"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Monday, January 18, 2010

Food Math

I'm in my room last night and Anderson comes in with a pretty deep question.  It went like this:

Anderson: "Hey dad.  Guess what number I'm thinking of?"
Me:  "I don't have any idea. Tell me."
Anderson:  "No.  You have to guess. It's a food."
Me:  "Uh Anderson, a number is not a food."
Anderson:  "Sure it is.  Guess."
Me: "I really don't know."
Anderson: "Okay, I'll just tell you."
Me:  "That's a good idea."
Anderson: "There's seven."
Me:  "Really?"
Anderson:  "Yes. Number one is bacon. Number two is grilled cheese. Number three is waffles. Number four is pizza.  Number five is macaroni and cheese.  Number six is every kind of dessert and number seven is cup cakes with sprinkles and syrup on top with ice cream and vanilla cookie.....vanilla/chocolate.  All of that mixed together."

Don't know why the question stumped me.  It really was kind of simple.  Don't you think?
He definitely is a lot of fun to be around. 


Diane said...

I never cease to be amazed!:)

Ms R said...

Thats is so cute.

Just like I said to my daughter one day: "You are a character" meaning she is funny and all. She turns around and say: "Noooo, I am Isabella". Of course she is. Precious!

I started to blog again in case you guys are bored and want to read meaninless words of nothingness ;)