"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Friday, May 16, 2008

Our Little Secret

Over the last few months we've had something we've wanted to share but we've waited until Mother's Day to do it. Since Mother's Day is passed we can now share it here. We've already shared it with you in "subtle" ways on this blog. See if you can guess what the theme in all of the following pictures is:Stay with us.........Got any ideas?
What are we talking about? Take a guess of what we could be hiding. Focus on Benay if you like. Did you notice that in every picture there was somebody or something in front of Benay? What were we hiding?
Yes, that is my beautifully pregnant (prego, baby bump or choose your goofy new name for pregnant here) wife! God has blessed us with one more child!
I may be biased but I believe this girl is the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen.
Don't believe me? Take another look......yeah, she's with me.

Okay so we weren't really hiding it but it's just that we waited to tell our parents until Mother's Day and so we had to be creative in posting photos of Benay without letting the cat out of the bag. Come to think of it, I guess we were hiding it.

Just so you know, it's a boy. As our teammate Matt said we are now officially the Brady Bunch. 3 boys and 3 girls. Benay has had numerous doctor's visits since we found out we were pregnant and every ultrasound so far has shown us a healthy little boy. His due date is scheduled for September 13.
The kids are so excited about the new little baby boy that will be with us soon and we've been thankful that they've been such strong prayer warriors for our family in regards to us having one more baby. God has blessed us with kids who love the Lord and love the thought of our family growing.

Here is the most recent photo of our new son. The bottom photo says: "Hello everybody, I love you all!! Signed, The boy."We don't have a name for him yet. We just KNEW it was a girl until we had the second ultrasound. We had the name picked out (Cássia) and everything. Maybe we can have a "name that baby" contest for this little guy (feel free to put your names in the comments section) because we don't have a clue as to what his name is going to be. Since the beginning of this pregnancy we had someone encourage us to read and re-read the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah and to ask God to impress upon us a name for this child. We really felt the Spirit was leading in the girl's name and we know He will do it with the naming of this little boy.

We ask for your prayers for a healthy mom and little boy.


Valerie said...

That is so awesome! Praise God for an answer to your prayers! We'll keep praying for you!

Mark and Ali said...

oh man, i am so excited! you guys are such a cool family, now you will be even cooler! =)

hmm... i am going to have to throw some suggestions out there, because i love naming things (ie. my cars, pets, favorite shirts, etc) -- and i get the whole ´cool yet bilingual´ thing

so i will post my coments soon to come.

much love to all 8 of you!

Sascha Terry said...

Elisa says "Marco".

the Jewell family said...

Andy says "Polo".

Callie said...

Congrats! But I have to tell you, when you've done this five times and you have a post entitled "our little secret", it's not that hard to figure out what it is. I knew waaay before the last pictures.

Why not name him Brady? Or Greg or Peter or Bobby?

I recently took care of a baby named Justin Thyme. Just keep saying it. It never stops being funny.

Kimberlee Shaffer Kirkman said...

Very exciting!
I know why you added another baby to the nest...one is about to leave the nest and we both know how strange that will be.

It seems like last year we were pregnant together at Oak Elementary...but I guess that was 17 years ago!

Our girls want to post a few of their ideas... I'll let you know when they come up with a few.

Again congrats!

Leisha Mareth said...

Awwww...such wonderful news! Congratulations and I have to agree, you are one beautiful pregnant lady! (p.s. Callie's comment made me laugh...)