"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Monday, December 07, 2009

Mini Vacation

Giovanni is pretty much back to 100%. The medicine has done wonders on Giovanni.  His spots are pretty much gone.  We are thankful for your prayers for healing and for good medicine.  

Because he was doing so much better my parents really encouraged Benay and myself to leave the kids with them for a day and get out of town last week.  They told us to go to a spot they have on the Tennessee River.  We went and had a great time.
I think Benay needed the trip - she slept 10 hours that night.
While we were there we also got to check out the Shiloh National Military Park.  If you don't know about Shiloh, it was a place of a big battle during the Civil War.  It happened in April of 1862 and around 110,000 men from both sides participated.  There were about 24,000 casualties. As one Union veteran said later, "No soldier who took part in the two day's engagement at Shiloh ever spoiled for a fight again.  We wanted a square, stand-up fight and got all we wanted of it."  It was a pretty humbling experience for us to be there. 

Before we toured the park Benay wanted to watch a movie about the battle.  It was a 30 minute movie that the park showed.  I can tell you it was not a sellout.
  And it wasn't a current movie.  It was made in 1956.  That's right...1956.
Even though it was old, it was still a very informative movie. 

After the movie we toured the park.  

This is a monument to the soldiers from Tennessee.  There were many monuments representing many different states.  Both from the north and the south. 
This is the National Cemetery for the Federal soldiers.
 This is the cemetery for the Confederate soldiers. It's a mass grave. 
This came to be known as the bloody pond.  Wounded soldiers from both north and south came here to drink water and clean wounds.  Many died here.  So many came that their blood turned the water red.  Thus the name. 
You can go here if you care to read about the battle. 

After Shiloh we, by my dad's request, visited a catfish restaurant that has been around for 70 years.
We enjoyed catfish, hushpuppies (don't worry
 Brasilians, we'll explain huspuppies later) and caramel pie.  
The place actually has a pretty cool history that you can read about here. We ate too much.  Can you say lots of diet and exercise when we get home? 

We drove back to Memphis and enjoyed watching a movie called "The Blind Side."  Good movie and a true story.  

Our trip was very relaxing and just what we needed as we prepare to get on the plane on Tuesday to head back home.  
When we came home that night we were welcomed by a happy, excited group who had really missed us.  

We are very thankful for mom and dad encouraging us to take this trip. Thanks guys!

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