"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Monday, February 08, 2010

Birthday Girl

Today is my girlfriend's birthday.  She's a pretty special person.

The kids agree.  Here is what they think of her:

Bronwyn:  "She is one of my best friends and I love her."

Ansley:  "She is the best mom ever, really. None of my friends have a mom that cares this much about them, or that is this gorgeous!"

Garrett:  "She's the best mom in the world and I love her."

Carys:  "She's the best mom ever!  If there is a big line of moms and mom was in the line and I didn't even know who she was,  I would pick her."

Anderson:  "I like her and she is my favorite mom.  She does a bunch of fun stuff with me.  She does activities and fun stuff with me......and that's all I need to say."

Giovanni:  He was taking a nap when I started this but he already told me he loves her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  He loves her taking him for a ride in the stroller and the "boom boom" (the car).  He loves how she reads to him.  He thinks she's pretty.

The kids used pretty and gorgeous to describe her physical features.  I would definitely agree.
I would also use them to describe her spiritual features.

I'm a very spoiled man and I know it.  I am blessed with an incredibly beautiful girlfriend.  She is an incredible wife and mom.  Her kids will never forget the Spirit filled way she has raised them.  We have all learned much from her Christ like example.  Our kids are kingdom workers because of her example.

I get to do what I love and do it side by side with my best friend.  Not many people get to say that.

My girlfriend is such a strong spiritual influence in my life.  She has taught me more about grace than anyone I know.

I see how she impacts the lives of others by the gift that God has given her to teach His word.  It's unbelievable and yet she's never once said anything about the gift.  She is far too humble to ever talk about her giftedness.  She quietly uses her gifts for the kingdom. I also see the difference she makes in the lives of others just by the way she lives her life for Christ.  She lives Christ.

I know I am biased but I know the world is a better place because of my girlfriend.

Happy Birthday!


Michael Green said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope its as great as you are!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Benay!
I hope you have a wonderfull day!

We love you,
Grace and Ivoli.

Unknown said...

Benay minha irmazinha querida...queria te dar um grande abraco e dizer o quanto és importante na minha vida...na vida de todos nós, na verdade. Abencoados foram seus pais quando Deus os escolheu pra trazerem vc ao mundo e hoje,( nem tanto tempo depois)podermos desfrutar do seu amor incondicional, suas palavras ungidas pelo espirito de Deus e sua companhia.Que o Senhor nos una cada dia mais e nos faca crescer em seu amor e suas obras. Adoro fazer coisas com vc e fico alegre que vamos estudar juntas.Feliz Aniversário e parabéns por mais um ano de vida,amor e fé compartilhados com as pessoa a sua volta...minha pastora. (kkkk...lembra)Te amo muito...um grande abraco e becitos...