"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Friday, October 18, 2013


Today is Garrett's birthday. You guys know what we do on special days. Here we go:

Gi:  "Well, be nice for your graduation.  Don't worry, we'll go at McDonalds just to play toys and get toys.  I'm going to give you a surprise, but I'm tricking, it's NOT soccer cleats or a shirt.  And (in a whisper voice)....  he's always funny.  Happy Birthday, Garrett."

Anderson:  "You are the best big brother in the world.  You are always there for me when I'm sad and crying.  You are a great soccer player and I love you SOOOOOOO much."

Vivi: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i love you so much, your the best big brother ever!! thank you for always taking care of me (like when i got stung by a bee and mom and dad were in the USA, you kept checking in on me every 5 minutes) thank you for being awesome and so sweet and the biggest gentleman i have ever met. Love, Carys"

Ans: "Garrett, you are one of my best friends. Period. I hope you know that. I love talking to you about random things and watching the best movies ever (Anchorman will be happening in December, also a few others I have selected here). I can't wait to see what God does through you in soccer and in your whole life! You are handsome, sweet, funny, and generous and I am so excited for the next couple of years!!!! You are my bro, my pal, my G-Dog, Gus Bus, my weird movie buddy, my Gare Bear. You rock. Hope you have THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER. If anyone is mean to you today you should just call on this mean panda. He'll save you.
Peace out, girl scout. Love, Ansley, I like to party."

B: "What up Gart!!!!! Happy birthday!!! I am so proud of you. Seriously. You are such a cool and sweet brother. I love how you love to give people presents, and how much you like to try to make me laugh. I am SO excited to see you in December and to convince you to come play soccer somewhere in the States so you I can see you all the time. You da bomb. Remember, beneath the clothes you find a man. And beneath the man you have his... Nucleus."

Stephen: "G-Man-Dawg, I miss you brother. You are growing older, taller, handsomer, brawnier, and mustachier. What a man you have become. Thank you for being an example of selflessness and spiritual maturity beyond your years. Lately Bronwyn talks about you so much, with funny childhood stories, but she mostly talks about how amazing you are. I love how just talking about you makes her smile. Thanks for being a great brother, I can't wait to be around you again. Happy Birthday Mr. Gareth Bale,)"

Girlfriend: "Happy Birthday, Garrett!  I am so proud to be the mom of such a sincere, good, honest, faithful, talented and handsome guy like you.  I can't believe that you are 17!  Thank you for being a great big brother to your little brothers.  They look up to you so much.  Thank you for being an example to me and all our family in your prayers, your generosity, your loyalty and the way you respect and show love to your parents and grandparents.  I love you so much and can't wait to see the plan that God has for you unfold in these next few years.  I am expecting GREATNESS!  Love, Mom"

Me: "Dear Wimpy man, it's an honor to have you as a son. I love how you protect your mom and sisters and brothers. I love how respectful you are to people. I love how you honor God with your actions and words. I love the example you are to your friends. I love how you are a silent prayer warrior. You pray till the answer comes. I love how easily you accept the prayers of others too. You believe in the power of prayer. I love how God has given you a sensitive heart. You care for others and are compassionate to their needs. I love watching you play soccer and how you give that to God. I can't wait to watch you play as a pro. I love how easy it is for me to pound you. That never gets old and I will always be able to to that! That's so cool :) I love how we do our devos together on the way to soccer practice. I love watching you laugh with your buds, especially Elias. You guys always crack me up. I love that you are the Light of Jesus to your friends. You are an awesome young man and I'm so thankful that God blessed me and mom with you. Love you bro."


Rhonda Sledge Pierce said...

Happy Birthday, Garrett! You have indeed grown up to be a fine young man. I am so thankful I have been allowed to share this journey with you even though we are miles apart.

Anonymous said...

olá, sou brasileira (de curitiba) e só deus sabe como vim parar nesse blog. estava procurando receitas de panqueca e american breakfast e caí aqui. estou lendo sem parar os posts desde então, e admirada com a simplicidade e a fé da família blume. keep up the good work, guys! abraços e que deus abençoe!