"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Monday, August 24, 2009


Last week we posted a video about a horse getting hit by a race car.

Today as we ate lunch the news was on. They began talking about how one of their teams had gone out to the busiest street in Rio in the early morning hours today to film some horses. Horses in big cities aren't uncommon here. People use them to collect plastic, cardboard, anything to sell to make a living. Sometimes their owners let them loose next to busy streets to eat grass.

In the following video there are some firemen trying to flag down cars so that they would slow down and not hit the horses. The following guy, unfortunately, missed their sign:

They said the 24 year old man had already been released from the hospital. We actually saw another video of the firemen yanking (it was yanking) him out of the car right after he smashed into the wall. He was lucky they were there.

The horse? Not as lucky as the one that got hit by the race car. He died.

Before we moved here I would have looked at the video and felt some remorse for the horse. I still do but I also think of the poor person who lost their ability to carry large amounts of things to recycle and sell. More than likely he has no money to buy another one.

Living in a third world country sure makes you see things differently.

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