"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Friday, August 14, 2009

All purpose utensil

After all the rain and cold weather that we've had lately God has been blessing us with great weather. We've had days in the low 80's with lots of sun. We are enjoying it because the cold and rain are forcasted to return next week.

Benay and I took the little kids to the park this morning to play soccer and play on the playground.

We have lots of dogs in our neighborhood that fill up the park every day.

With dogs you obviously have lots of poo. The city puts little plastic bag dispensers up around the parks for owners to clean up the poo (it still makes me laugh every time I see it.......the dogs must be loving that) but it's still impossible to have a poo-free park.

Today, on the way home from the park, Anderson stepped his soccer cleat into a poo pile. No one knew it but Anderson.

When he got home he took matters into his own hands.

He decided he could clean off his shoes by himself.


With a kitchen spoon of course!I took him outside and explained why we really don't need to use our spoons for something like that.

He understood and then posed for a picture by his stinky artwork.It's never dull with Anderson.

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