"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Check this out!!

We are so excited and proud of our church family in Brazil.

Yesterday was a national holiday and they spent the day in service!  They laid a tile floor in one of our church members' home.  This is a family who lived in a favela (like a slum) near the airport.  With the expansion of the airport, they were given a very small duplex-style house.  However, it only had concrete floor and walls and the moisture was making the little ones in the house constantly sick with coughs.  Our house church saved money, bought the materials and laid a tile floor for this family.

While the men did this, the women were busy putting together Christmas gifts to take out to the drug rehab center in a few weeks.

Check out our sister, Leni's blog here to see pictures and read more about the story.  You can use the google translator on the bottom right side of the blog page to translate to English. The translation isn't perfect, but it will give you the idea.

We can't describe the pride and thankfulness we have for our Brazilian family.  Come down and get to know them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Obrigada por estarem acompanhando no blog os acontecimentos de sua familia de cristo no Brasil. Estamos muito contentes por buscarmos cumprir com o que vcs junto conosco, combinamos. Mas o que trás a felicidade ao coração de cada participante é saber que estamos fazendo o que Jesus pede...cuidarmos uns dos outros como familia que somos!!!!Muito difícil descrever o sentimento de gratidão que temos por Deus permitir que tudo corresse como planejamos.