"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Answered Prayer

Some of you receive our monthly newsletter. If you do then you already know about the prayer request I'm going to share. 

If you don't then you need to know that our family and a big group of people have been praying over the last few weeks for four specific things.

God answered three of those in one month. They were serious things (possible divorce, child in hospital and recovering alcoholic drinking again). Serious things. God worked in all of those in a short time and lives were, literally, changed and saved because of so many people praying for them. 

The fourth prayer request was for our family to find a new place to live. 

We have lived in a house over the last two years that belongs to the Baptist Mission. 

Over the years we've made lots of close friends with the Baptist missionaries. We've shared birthday parties, coffee, meals, games, etc. with them. God has been very faithful in blessing us with a big family. We've known someone from the Baptist mission from the very first month we lived here. 

Two years ago our friend, Cam, approached us about living in one of their houses to take care of it until the next missionary family moved here. 

We've lived here for almost two years now. The best thing is they asked us to live here rent free. They have actually paid the utilities as well. They wanted someone to live in this house to take care of it and to keep it safe. An empty house in our city is an open invitation for vandalism. 

We've been incredibly blessed to live here. It really has been God thing that put us here. We've made some really good friends in this neighborhood and it's been a blessing to us. But we've always known it was a temporary deal. 

Honestly, I'm not sure we could have been able to stay in Brasil over the last two years if it wasn't for the generosity of the Baptist Mission. The value of the dollar is horrible and inflation is just as bad. I'm not sure we could've survived, financially, without this set up. This house has been a huge blessing. 

Anyway, we were recently told that we needed to be out of this house by the 15th of June. 

A few weeks ago we began searching for a new place to live. That's not an easy thing in our city. 

I confess that I've woken up very early on more than one occasion over the last few days feeling anxious about finding a place that is in a safe place and doesn't cost a fortune. I don't know what you know about Brasil but our city is super expensive.  Super expensive. We've seen reports that say our city is the most expensive city in Brasil to live in. We compare the cost of living in our city to a major city in the states. 

We believe God did a miracle yesterday. He has definitely, again, grown our faith and I again feel like the man in Luke 9 when he said, "I do believe, but help me not to doubt."

My girlfriend wrote a blog today about the process that led us to a new place. You need to click here to read about how God worked to lead us to the perfect place for our family.  Your faith may grow by reading how He worked in our lives. 

Moving day in 6-8 weeks. We HATE moving days but today those words have a good taste to them. 

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