"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

No Fear

Most kids prefer to have one of their parents pull their loose teeth.  In our house that job has always fallen to me.  Benay can't do or be around the blood thing.  

That's been fine.  It's been fun to pull out Bronwyn, Ansley and Garrett's teeth and to get them ready for a Tooth Fairy visit. 

If you've followed our blog for any length of time you know that Carys is our wild card.  Our strongly independent child.   One example of this was when she was 5 and climbed up and over a 9 foot security fence that went around our house.  Another would be riding a roller coaster that dropped 240 feet when she was 8 years old with a huge smile on her face.  I don't think she knows what fear is. 

She has robbed me of the parental joy of helping her pull her teeth.  How?  After I pulled her very first tooth she hasn't needed me.  She has pulled every tooth since then on her own.  About 12 in all. 

This afternoon I was talking to my parents on the phone.  In the middle of the conversation she came in and showed me a tooth she had just pulled.  She then got on the phone to talk to my dad and told him she had another loose tooth but would wait to pull it until we got to his house next week.  

About 5 minutes later she came in with a sad look on her face.  She interrupted my conversation with my dad to ask me to apologize to him for her.  Why?  She couldn't wait until next week to pull that other tooth.  It had to come out and it had to come out now.  She couldn't handle it. 
As she smiled and put her two teeth in the container to put under her pillow tonight for the Tooth Fairy visit, Benay and I kidded with her that she only pulled the second one so that she could get a double reward from the Tooth Fairy.  

There was no denial.  She just smiled.  I would not have expected any other response in Carys's world. 

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