"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Monday, November 16, 2009

Two more trips

We ask that you pray for our family today as we will be separated until Friday.

This morning Benay and Bronwyn will take a plane to Washington D.C. to visit Benay's sister and her family as well as my cousin. They will be there until Friday morning.

Ansley and I also leave today and we will be driving to Chicago for her last college tour. We'll be checking out Wheaton College. We are thinking it's going to be around 9 hours in the car. We will be coming back on Thursday.

The rest of the little guys will be staying here hanging out with my parents.

Last night when Benay was reminding Anderson of our trips he began to cry for about 15 minutes. He didn't want her to go. Ansley then took over and played with him to make him forget his sadness. 

We've also never been away from Giovanni for more than 1 day. Benay was having baby withdrawals the other day when she was separated from him for about 7 hours as we took Ansley on another college visit.  Four days away is going to be pretty tough. 

I confess I'm one of those guys that doesn't like to be away from my wife for even one night.  

It will be a tough but fun week for everyone. 

We know the kids will have a blast with my parents. They already have some things lined up and it's always fun. It's probably tougher on us than it is on them.   In fact, when Ansley was cheering up Anderson, she gave him a "To Do List" notepad and had him make a list of the fun things he was going to do while Mom and Dad are gone.  Here is his list (with translations):

1.  MEKC-A-PB-AND-J (make a PB & J)
2.  GO-TO-TEH-PARCK (go to the park)
3.  GO-PET-PET-PATIO (go putt-putting)
4.  BES-BUL-WEIT-GARETT (baseball with Garrett)
5.  KARES-L (Carrousel in the mall)
6.  MECKCHKS (Milkshakes)
7.  GO-TO-THE-ZOOO-WHET-ANTMALESA (go to the zoo with Aunt Melissa)
8.  GO-TOA-MUOVE (go to a movie)
9.  PIKNEK-AT-TEH-PARCK (picnic at the park)
10.  ET-I-C-KREM-SAM-WEHES (eat ice cream sandwiches)
11.  MEK-BRIS-LETS (make bracelets)

After spending some time making this list, Anderson felt much better and now says he will be fine if his mom goes away for a few days.  

We look forward to our trips. Chicago is one of my all time favorite cities. It's been a while since I've been there. Ansley is excited about checking it out. Benay is also excited about visiting family and seeing D.C. with Bronwyn. 

We ask that you pray for our safety and that God will bless our travels. Thank you in advance.

I'm sure we'll share lots of pictures later.

1 comment:

Sascha Terry said...

God bless your travels! If I can make it a month w/o seeing Jennifer and Elisa, you can make it four days! Whimp!