"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Our Week

It's been a crazy full week.  We know most of you won't be that interested in what went on but there are a couple of girls in college who like to keep up and ask us for details. If the rest of you would like to keep reading here are some highlights:

Gi helped his teacher, Ariane, celebrate her birthday. He gave her some cookies from American Cookies as a present. She had already bought some before, loved them (who doesn't love my girlfriend's home made cookies?) and was happy to get some new flavors as a present. We love Ariane. 
My girlfriend worked at the bazar for three days. Sales were, as expected at a first time bazar, slow but it's part of the growing process of our new business. She also had to deal with the heat. It was about 85-90 degrees inside the building where she worked. This is what our little booth looked like. 
Man is she good looking or what? 

We got to share some new ideas for Christmas presents.......
.........as well as sell cookies and muffins. 

I stayed with her a little bit the first day to help her get set up and sell but the kids get out of school starting at 11:45 so I needed to be home to help with lunch and take to soccer practices, etc. So in the mornings I made cookies for next weeks bazars. 

Leni helped my girlfriend the last two days. She really is a great sales person. I think she gave one of our business cards to every person who walked into that building. 

Garrett's team lost the semifinal game in the penalties and then won the third place game 5-1. They got a trophy and were happy about it but, obviously, disappointed to not play in the finals. Garrett wasn't able to play because of his hurt leg. 

Anderson and Carys had their soccer and volleyball practices as well as some extra babysitting duties because of our cookie responsibilities. They did great. 

On Tuesday we had some great conversations with our old teammates Sascha and John/Sam. We love the Ooma phone and how it brings us closer to so many people. 

On Wednesday night Anderson had a musical called "Who is Jesus? Who am I?" It was the coolest Christmas musical we've ever seen our kids be in. Anderson did an amazing job. Every song the kids sang was about Jesus and His love. The director got up before it started and talked about Jesus. Our kids go to a Lutheran school. Our kids have gone to other religious schools here in POA before but we have never heard what we heard on Wednesday night. At the end this Christian singing trio got up and sang three songs. They were great. It was just a really uplifting night for our family. We love this school. 

Forgot to mention that Anderson was dressed as a shepherd. As we walked out the door to go to the musical Gi said, "Cool Anderson you look like Kobe-Wan Kenobi!" I guess he did. 
We had an end of the year school party for Carys' class scheduled for last night but it was cancelled because of the threat of rain. I can't say we were sad because we were all worn out from the busy week. It didn't rain so we just hung out as a family and did a little cook out. It was the best, most relaxing way to end our week. 

It was good to get a break from the craziness of the week but the busyness continues. 

Anderson has a semifinal game today and if you know him you know it's the biggest, most important game in the world. 

Gi has a birthday party to go to tonight. 

House church tomorrow and Garrett has a quarter final game in the last championship his team is involved in. If they win then they play again tomorrow afternoon. He went to practice yesterday and didn't complain about the leg. Don't think you can keep him out of another game. 

Next week we will be doing 2 bazars (one, at the kids school, where we know we will get slammed with business and the other is another new one where we probably won't sell as much) at the same time and, once again, Leni has agreed to help us. She's a real blessing to us. 

We would appreciate prayers for the Spirit's calming presence to overwhelm our house as we try to have fresh cookies made daily while we continue to take care of our other responsibilities. 

Our stand up freezer is stocked full of frozen cookies but the last time we did the bazar at the kids school in October we, literally, ran out. On the last day I would bake a batch, take them out of the oven, put them under a fan to cool off, bag them up then run them down the street (we live almost in front of our school) to my waiting girlfriend who would then sell them immediately. Our oven was turned on that last day from six in the morning until three in the afternoon. 

So to do that bazar again while trying to do another bazar at the same time, well you can see why we are asking for the Spirit's overwhelming presence. Great problem to have for a new company. We just want to make sure we let the Spirit be in control and keep us calm in the middle of all the stuff. 

After this week we only have one more week until our two big goobers get home from college. We are a little bit excited. 

All in all, a great week for our family. 

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