"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day

This is my girlfriend.
She's very cute I know. As Anderson would say, "she's better than cute!"

She's also an incredible mom and she deserves every blessing imaginable.

There are 6 other people who strongly agree with me and have learned much from her. Today we celebrate her with our words.

Giovanni (as translated by Ansley): Mom, I love you! Thank you for always playing with me and singing "I Love You" by Barney and letting me squish your face between my hands and give you toothy grinned hugs. I love you and thank you for being a wonderful mommy!

Anderson: She makes really good food. One time my friend had some stuff that I wanted. I really wanted it and I was jealous that he had it. I told mom and she told me, "you're perfect just the way you are." I like how that sounds.  And that's because I love her.

Carys: She always forgives. Lately there was this problem and somebody had accused me of something I hadn't done and I didn't want to forgive that person even after they realized they were wrong and that I didn't do it. When they tried to ask for forgiveness I didn't want to forgive. Then my mom came up and said that I need to forgive that person because they did something wrong and they were asking for forgiveness. Then I forgave that person. She has also taught me that you don't have to change the way you are to be special. That God has made everyone special in their own way. We aren't all the same and that's good. The world would be boring if God had made everybody the same. I wanted to thank her for all the advice that she gives me. She's special because she's loving and caring and always has room to love everybody. I love her very much.

Garrett: My mom taught me to be nice to people and to do my best in everything. And I love her and i hope she has a good mothers day.

Ansley: My mom taught me a lot about being confident in who you are and having a good attitude. I will never forget GIGO- garbage in, garbage out. Mom, I hope I can always put good things in my heart so that I will always make you proud. I love you. Happy mothers day!

Bronwyn: Mom is so sweet to everyone. She doesn't get mad easily and helps everyone else to calm down too. She taught me how to be calm and patient, and how to be happy wherever you are. I can't wait to see you in a week Mama!

Me: She's just an amazing mom. She loves to laugh with the kids. She loves to be silly with the kids and their friends. She loves to try new things and she has no problem laughing at herself. Most importantly she is a mom led by the Holy Spirit and she raises her kids under His influence.
This picture, to me, just sums up everything we said above. It's one of my favorites.


Kimberlee Shaffer Kirkman said...

Well said Kevin!

the Jewell family said...

I love love love that last picture. By-the-way, Benay, I think the picture of you with your mom on Facebook looks just like Garrett but I wasn't allowed to comment on it because I'm not friends with whoever posted it.

Tim Logan said...

Happy birthday Benay. Yuor family continues to inspire us.
Tim and Marla