"Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." Saint Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bloody Wednesdays

Giovanni is one pretty stubborn little dude. 

Two Wednesday's ago he was exhausted from pre-school but when he got home he didn't want to take a nap. 

I tried to get him to take one. Normally that's my job and he does pretty good with me. 

That Wednesday he wasn't in the mood for me. As he was laying down he started to yell for his mom. I tried to get him settled but he was having none of it. 

So as I went to get my girlfriend he got really mad. I then heard a BANG and looked around in the dark room to see our two year old smacking his head. I knew he got hurt because he was popping his head with his hand where he got hit to try to stop the pain. So in my loving, full of patience voice (cough, cough) I said, "See what happens when you flip out like that? You need to calm down and I'll get mom." 

I then looked a little bit harder in the dark room and noticed blood pouring out of his head. 

I picked him up and yelled, "BENAY COME HERE!"

She came in and saw blood everywhere. 

What happened? He tagged his eyebrow pretty good on the wood frame of his bed and opened up a nice size cut. It ended up being like a boxer's cut. The blood made it look worse than it was. It was a deep cut worthy of stitches but not as horrible as it looked at the time. 

Giovanni went with his mom and I called our pediatrician (who happens to have his office in a children's hospital). I explained to Ricardo (our pediatrician) what happened and asked him where was the best place to take Giovanni. He told me to bring him to the hospital emergency room and he would meet us there. 

He met us and took us to the pediatric surgeon to work on Giovanni. 

Oh yeah, Giovanni also HATES doctors. Doctors offices, doctors, nurses, receptionists, whatever. We enter and he begins to scream and, in general, flip out. 

He had just eaten so they couldn't give him an IV to let him sleep for the stitches. The doctor then decided that he would glue the cut. He told us that it would leave a smaller scar. But Giovanni still had to be still. Easier said than done in a hospital. 

So they gave him some medicine to make him "drunk." They said it would make him have amnesia and that he wouldn't remember anything that was about to happen. That it would only last for 1-2 hours and it would allow them to work on his cut. 

Sounds good but he had to drink it. Not easy. He puked some of it back up on Benay, because of his crying, but thankfully enough went in for him to calm down a little. Enough to make him groggy but not enough to knock him out. Just to be able to wash his eye and put the glue on took my wife laying on him and a nurse holding his head still. The surgeon called him "The Beast" because of how strong he was. 

An hour and a half later we were leaving the hospital with our little drunk baby and his glued eyebrow. 

Here is what that looked like and the fun that the kids had with him.

Mean big brothers and sisters goofing on their little brother. 

About an hour later all the medicine wore off and he was back to normal.

Then last Wednesday we were eating lunch and Giovanni was running around. We heard a "blam" and we knew he had splatted on the floor. I immediately said, "He busted his head." I'm not sure I believed it or was just thinking about the week before.

Benay went to get him and their was blood coming out of his face again. This time his mouth.

He had busted his bottom lip and inside his mouth above his top teeth.

So, as is becoming our Wednesday custom, we called Ricardo. He met us again in the emergency room but this time took us to his office to check out Giovanni.

He looked him over and, thankfully, said he didn't need stitches. We were not looking forward to fighting with The Beast again.

Ricardo prescribed ice cream for The Beast until the swelling went down. What a great doctor.

He also didn't charge us for the visit. What a great doctor.

Here's Giovanni right after we got home from the hospital showing off his cut with his bloody clown lips.

Here he is posing for us the next day.

Wonder if we'll get to see Ricardo tomorrow?


Chris said...

Wow that kid is a on a streak! When I first started the video I could have sworn that it was Anderson on Ansley's lap!

...traci said...

poor lil' guy!! he IS a beast for being able to take all that. and wowee, he looks like anderson!